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Quarantine Questions - Liz Ebsworth

Elizabeth Ebsworth is a wonderful photographer - I found her work through Instagram and I always enjoy looking at the images she produces. They have such a classical timeless feel to them. I love the concept of her new project she's working on - I love how she's overlaid textures to give them an almost oil painting feel!

How are you spending lockdown and what are you most looking forward to once it's lifted? 

I am currently looking after my two children, Dan (7) and Phi (4) and back to home schooling next week. I have been doing some editing and behind the scenes work when I can. I cannot wait to get back out there photographing horses, dogs their humans and commercially!

How long have you been photographing and what's your go to lens?

I have been photographing for nearly 17 years now, a variety of subjects! I have been photographing dorses for the past 4 years. My current go to lens is my 70-200mm f/2.8, but really need to get my Sigma Art 85mm f/1.4 back out!

What/who would you dress up as for a fancy dress party?

Probably Superwoman! That is how I feel at times juggling family life and my business!

What photo are you most proud of? 

This photo. Thank love the composition, the colour, textures and how it combines both my interests, horses and architecture. Who would your 3 dream dinner guests be?

David Attenborough, the Queen and Johnny Depp

What's your favourite show to attend?

I do enjoy HOYS, but not yet got to Olympia!

Tell us about your project with the horses and amazing buildings!

I have been very lucky to gain access to some pretty amazing venues in the area I live! I love the architecture and had a vision back in 2018 of combing them with horses, a kind of modern twist on Artists work such as Stubbs and Munnings, two favourites of mine. The project has allowed me to build on architecture from Hedingham Castle’s ancient beginnings to more modern buildings.

I am going to be producing a book with a series of images and an insert of information from the places I have been I will also be having an exhibition locally and create a limited edition calendar for 2021.

What would be your dream commission?

Something based around my current project on a larger scale. you have to ask me a question! 

What has been your proudest moment photographing and why?

Ah wow, that's hard! I think maybe it might not necessarily be the moment I think I took the best image ever, but my Valegro photo from Olympia being shared across the globe and Charlotte picking it out from all of the hundreds of other photographs that were taken that night at Olympia to be the one she shared. There were a lot of photographers there that evening as you can imagine and some of those in that room had documented Blueberry's whole career and are photographers I look up to, so it felt very special to have my image recognised. Of course since then that image has helped me massively and has led me to some amazing opportunities!

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