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Quarantine Questions - Georgie Welch

Updated: May 3, 2020

I first met Georgie last year when she began work on the Valegro sculpture. I've been lucky enough to see her at work and see the statue evolve from the maquette, to the half life which will be situated in Newent.

Get to know her a little better below!

How are you spending lockdown and what are you most looking forward to once it's lifted?

We have been busy moving studio. We planned to dismantle much of the old studio to rebuild in the new over a two month period. With lockdown imminent we packed up dismantled and moved in 10 days. Absolute chaos! I look forward to showing you Rose when its sorted, its an old coach house and you can sense the history and the horses it once housed.

If you could ride any horse, past or present, from any discipline, who would it be and why?

It would have to be Valegro followed closely by Big Fella Thanks.

Where do you find your inspiration? Or maybe how do you go about starting a sculpture?

We have 3 dogs and fantastic countryside so the walking is my thinking time and inspiration. My mind works quickly and I can visualise easily the shape and dynamics of a new sculpture. Frustration occurs as my hands can't keep up with my mind.

What/who would you dress up as for a fancy dress party?

No idea! Last fancy dress costume I made, it was a great big banana suit with an internal armature. After 10 minutes I knew it was a mistake, looked hilarious but very uncomfortable!

What piece are you most proud of?

Pleased with Valegro in the clay but until I see him in bronze and how the sculpture translates to metal I reserve judgement. Big Fella Thanks was a coursing dog that I'm really proud of. (The horse was named after this fabulous dog, they are both resting in peace now)

Who would your 3 dream dinner guests be?

Picasso, Leonard Cohen and AA Gill

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