Meet Esther, her two energetic boys, William and George as well as their spaniel: Hector. Esther has been a lovely customer who I have got to know over the last few months. Esther commissioned me to draw a friends pony for her birthday. Sadly, before we managed to schedule a shoot in with Esther and her pony Maisie, they unexpectedly had to find their chestnut mare a new home, which was sad for all of them.

However, Esther was still interested in having me come and take some photographs for her – she asked how I’d feel about some photographing her boys along with the dog for her husband’s birthday. I’ll admit, initially the prospect was a little out of my comfort zone as there wasn’t a horse involved, Esther was certain I’d do a good job and after talking about specific images and emotions to capture we went ahead and scheduled a date in!

After chatting for many months, it was so lovely to put a face to the name! We met at Penwood forest, just outside Newbury. After my initial anticipation I did feel very excited to be doing something different – especially when I was driving to Penwood, the scenery was stunning!
We all had a great laugh – the boys were coming out with some brilliant conversations and were inventing their own, crazy poses! We began by climbing up an overturned tree – the beautiful burst of colour from the gorse bushes framed the shot nicely.

The natural feel to the shots is something that really stands out to me, the boys were so energetic and up to mischief and this came across so well in the photographs! It was a perfect sunny morning and smiles plentiful!

Hector of course was a crazy spaniel who provided plenty of entertainment to rival George and William – leaping in and out of puddles. (Actually, both the boys and Hector were in and out of the puddles!) Hector was an absolute star, sitting, waiting and looking exactly where he was asked too.

My favourite shots were the spontaneous ones, focusing on the relationship between the boys as they explored the woods; had sword fights with sticks and played with Hector. I also love the reactions on their faces when I said they could poke their tongues out, hug each other and pull faces or say something silly! There was something so magical about the boys who weren’t afraid to be in front of the camera!

I absolutely loved my morning – I am so pleased with the final photographs and I know Esther is too! I can’t wait to hear how her husband reacts to them on his Birthday! It was a great learning experience for me, whilst we tried to keep it as natural as possible, it was so lovely working with you all – willing to try out my ideas and keep smiling!

Thank you thank you Esther for having confidence and convincing me I would do a good job, especially when my experience and of course suggesting the wonderful location that I hope I will get to photograph at again soon!