Meet Jade and her beautiful mare, Kira! A mutual friend of ours, Lauren, purchased a gift voucher for Jade's birthday - you can find out more information about tailor made gift voucher packages on the "Equine Photogrpahy" page using the drop down menu at the top of this page.

We began the shoot by using the door way of the indoor school to get some black background shots. Kira, now 21, was a complete star and followed Annabelle and the treat bucket, making my job very easy!

The yard Jade is at is full of brilliant and varied back drops, so we headed down on the a track for a few shots before Jade and Kira led the way down to some fields.
I love photographing chestnut horses at this time of year and through in to Autumn. The golden leaves and grass compliment their coats so well giving the whole image a lovely warm glow.

Jade has so much trust in Kira and you can see how much her love shines through her smile!

I've known Jade and Kira for quite a while now but during their shoot, I saw a new side to Kira! She's normally so laid back but the closer and closer we got to the gallops, she soon became more lively and definately did not act her age!

We decided not to go down to the gallops because Kira was too excited! We found a little field close to the edge of the gallops which we used instead. We then headed back up towards the yard. We hadn't realised how much of a slope we'd walked down to get there though so it was up hill all the way back!
The shoot finished up with a few shots on the driveway and using a little bench we'd found tucked under the trees.

Thank you so much Lauren for thinking of giving a shoot voucher to Jade for her birthday and it was a pleasure to photograph them both! I hope you love your images!