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Ordering a portrait is simple:

When ordering a portrait of your horse it is important to choose a clear photo. The clearer the photo, the more detail I can put into the drawing making it a total likeness of your equine.

"If I can see every hair, I will draw every hair."


It is better, if possible, to send me several photographs of your horse so that I have a variety of photographs to choose from. When taking the photograph for a more "traditional" portrait try and get down to their level so that you are not looking down on them. However in the past people have commissioned portraits of horses at unusual angles in order to capture their unique personality!

If you are not sure if the photographs you have of your pet are ideal to work from please get in touch, I will be more than happy to discuss it with you.













Contacting Me

To discuss or place an order for a portrait please email me at:

It is important when ordering your pencil portrait to let me know when the portrait is require by, if it is a gift.

Drawings are completed in a first come first served fashion. Please book well in advance if you wish to have a portrait for a certain date. Progress of your drawing will be posted on my Facebook page . (Please state in your email if you do not wish me to share the work in progress photographs of the drawing until after it has been posted/gifted.



So, what makes an ideal reference photograph to work from?

  • Photo taken in natural light without shadows obstructing the face

  • Have your back to the sun

  • Get down to their level

  • Clear, sharp, focused picture


Daydream Equine Art and Photography - 2025                                     Berkshire Equine Photographer and Artist

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